California Corporate & Securities Law Blog

It's Lupercalia! CFL Annual Reports Are Due In 30 Days

Written by Keith Paul Bishop | February 15, 2024

Each year, licensees under the California Financing Law (Cal. Fin. Code § 22000 et seq.) must file an annual report with the Department of Financial Protection & Innovation.  The report is due on the Ides of March (the Ides of March).  The DFPI uses this report to determine annual assessments, conduct examinations and compile the annual report required by Financial Code Sections 22160 and 22692.  Timely filing of the report is a big deal because failure to do so could result in significant monetary penalties and even loss of a license.  The report must be completed online.  Here are some helpful links for completing the report:

Lupercalia was an annual fertility rite celebrated by the ancient Romans.  The holiday involved laughing, blood, and men running about the Palatine hill striking women with skin strips.  Women reportedly did not object since their fertility was supposedly enhanced by being struck.  The holiday died out after Pope Gelasius I proscribed the participation in it in 494 CE.   For the Romans, the month of February was a month of purification and this is reflected in the name of the month.  Februum is a Latin noun (originally from the Sabine language) meaning a purgation.