"And What They Will Inform. . .That Will The King Severely Prosecute"

Last month, I asked the California Attorney General's office for information concerning utilization of the whistleblower hotline mandated by Labor Code § 1102.7.  Below are the data provided to me:

Year Number of Calls
2004 0 (partial records for five months)
2005 62 (partial records for seven months)
2006 167
2007 519
2008 661
2009 821
2010 779 (thru 9/30/2010)

I also asked for information concerning the number of civil and criminal actions filed by the Attorney General's office as a result of calls to the hotline.  The Attorney General's office couldn't provide an answer.  The Attorney General's office also couldn't provide any information about any civil fines and penalties obtained.  Finally, the Attorney General's office declined to provide any comment on the effectiveness of the hotline.