Chamber Of Commerce Highlights Some Differences Between SEC And California Climate Disclosure Mandates

Last year, the California legislature enacted two bills, SB 253 and SB 261 that purport to impose burdensome disclosure mandates on businesses. The legislature did so in spite of obvious constitutional infirmities. It was no surprise that the laws...

California Seeks To Delay Demise Of California Climate Related Disclosure Statutes, But Why?

In February, I noted that the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America and several others filed suit in the Central District Court challenging two laws passed last year.  See As Foretold, California's New Forced Speech Laws Are Being...

As Foretold, California's New Forced Speech Laws Are Being Challenged

Last year, I commented on the likely unconstitutionality of two California laws compelling forced speech:

California Climate-Related Financial Risk Disclosure Bill Advances

I have been writing about a bill, SB 261, that would would require businesses to prepare and submit climate-related financial risk reports.  See  California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Bill Advances Despite Substantial Opposition And Constitutional...

California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Bill Advances Despite Substantial Opposition And Constitutional Concerns

In this February post, I wrote about a bill, SB 261, that would would require businesses to prepare and submit climate-related financial risk reports.  The bill would apply to any corporation or other business entity formed under the laws of...

California Bill Would Require Climate-Related Financial Risk Reports

On Monday, four California state senators introduced a bill, SB 261, that would require businesses to prepare and submit climate-related financial risk reports.  The bill would apply to any corporation or other business entity formed under the laws...

California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Bills Fails Passage

On the last day of the the current biennium, the California Assembly refused passage of SB 260.  This bill would have required large companies to report annually on their greenhouse gas emissions. Despite significant opposition, the bill had moved...

California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Bill Moves Forward

As the current California legislative biennium enters its closing weeks, SB 260 (Wiener & Stern) is moving forward despite strong opposition from business groups.  As has been previously noted in this space, the bill would require any U.S.-based...

Legislators Again Kept In Dark About Constitutional Infirmities Of Climate Corporate Accountability Act

SB 260 scheduled to be heard tomorrow by the Assembly Judiciary Committee. This bill would enact the the "Climate Corporate Accountability Act". If enacted, the bill purportedly would require large companies doing business in California to provide...

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