In This Case, Termination Of Membership Without Compensation Is Not An Improper Forfeiture

The word "forfeiture" has an interesting etymology.  It is derived from two Latin words, foris meaning a door or gate, and facere meaningto do. Eventually, the word came to refer to a misdeed punishable by a fine. Today, it used to refer the loss of...

Is Every Agent A Fiduciary?

In common parlance, a fiduciary is someone you can trust.  The word itself is related to the Latin word, fidere, meaning to trust. We name our dogs "Fido" because dogs are trustworthy companions. For example, a dog named Hachiko (忠犬ハチ公) faithfully...

More On Suing The CEO For Social Activism

The last few days, I've been writing about the legal issues raised by Jon L. Pritchett and Ed Tiryakian in a recent opinion piece published by The Wall Street Journal.  To sum up the discussion so far, Professor Stephen Bainbridge responded to...

Enforceability Of Exclusive Forum Bylaw May Hinge On The Meaning Of "May"

No California appellate court has yet addressed the validity of forum selection bylaws in a published decision. When the question comes before a California appellate court, the outcome may turn on the meaning of "may" in California Corporations Code...

Knowledge Of Loan Extensions Precludes Exoneration

The California Civil Code devotes several sections to the subject of the exoneration of sureties.  Section 2819, for example, intones:

Officers And The Business Judgment Rule

Last weekend, I attended a symposium at the UCLA School of Law entitled "Can Delaware Be Dethroned? Evaluating Delaware’s Dominance of Corporate Law".  The event, organized by ever erudite Professor Stephen Bainbridge, featured presentations by...