When Two Corporate Laws Diverge, Does Choosing One Make All The Difference?

In a new article, professor of law Wendy Gerwick Couture aims for "a fuller understanding of Nevada corporate law, both substantively and theoretically, as compared with Delaware corporate law". For the title and theme of her article, Professor...

The Importance Of Calling

The validity of a board meeting hinges on three things - a quorum, notice and call. Many lawyers focus on the first two and may overlook the third. For California and Nevada corporations, the question of who may call a meeting of the board is...

Are Recent Delaware Decisions Causing Corporations To Look For The Exit?

Delaware's website boldly asserts "The DGCL [Delaware General Corporation Law] offers predictability and stability." I have somewhat waggishly observed, however, that you can read the DGCL cover to cover and still no very little about Delaware...

Don't Be Caught Inquorate! Some Key, But Subtle, Differences In California's And Nevada's Board Quorum Requirements

California Corporations Code Section 307(a)(7) provides that a "majority of the authorized number of directors constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business". Thus, if the authorized number of directors is 7 and there are 4 vacancies, that...

Are Delaware Corporations "Rolling Down Hill, Like A Snowball Headed For . . ."?

For Delaware, are the good times really over for good? 

TripAdvisor Suit Invites Delaware To Become The Hotel California

"You can check out any time you likeBut you can never leave"

Lawsuit Challenges TripAdvisor's Proposal To Move From Delaware To Nevada

Earlier this month, TripAdvisor, Inc. filed preliminary proxy materials that include a proposal to redomesticate the company from Delaware to Nevada.  Within days a lawsuit was filed in the Delaware Court of Chancery challenging the move and a...

Is There A President AI In Your Corporation's Future?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted a great deal of attention of late.  Last week, for example, CNN headlined a recent story "Elon Musk warns AI could cause ‘civilization destruction’ even as he invests in it". If AI can write a credible term...

Delaware Finally Catches Up To Nevada (Well, Not Quite)

Yesterday, John Jenkins wrote about Delaware's decision to amend Section 102(b)(7) to permit the exculpation corporate officers. Until now, Delaware only permitted the certificate of incorporation to exculpate directors.  For Nevada corporations,...

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