Does Combining Legal And Secretarial Roles Reduce Risk?

The California General Corporation Law requires that a California corporation have a secretary. Cal. Corp. Code § 312(a)(2). The CGCL, however, says nothing about a chief legal officer. Indeed, many corporations do not have the position of chief...

The One Where Everyone Got The Statute Wrong

In yesterday's post, I discussed the Court of Appeal's unpublished opinion in Milks v. Affirmed Techs., LLC,  2024 WL 1502944 (Cal. Ct. App. Apr. 5, 2024), reh'g denied (Apr. 30, 2024). That case involved claims against a dissolved Nevada limited...

The Importance Of Calling

The validity of a board meeting hinges on three things - a quorum, notice and call. Many lawyers focus on the first two and may overlook the third. For California and Nevada corporations, the question of who may call a meeting of the board is...

Is A Change In Transfer Restrictions In A Shareholder Agreement Subject To Qualification?

A recent post discussed whether amending a shareholders agreement is subject to qualification under the California Corporate Securities Law of 1968. For the purpose of that discussion, it is important to recognize that not every “shareholders...

Does Amending A Shareholders Agreement Require Qualification Under The California Corporate Securities Law?

A significant amount of background is required to answer the question of whether amending a shareholders agreement is subject to qualification under the California Corporate Securities Law. As an initial matter, the CSL defines the terms "sale" and...

Professor Bainbridge Queries Whether SB 313 Eviscerates Omnicare, But Does That Question Have Any Relevance To California Corporations?

Delaware practitioners and legal scholars are digesting the implications of SB 313 which adds a new Section 122(18) to the Delaware General Corporation.  According to the bill's synopsis, this new provision:

California Decides That The Sun Shall Not Set On Virtual Meeting Statutes

Despite being home to the Silicon Valley, California has not embraced with abandon virtual-only meetings of shareholders. Section 600(e) of the Corporations Code currently does not permit virtual only meetings unless one of several conditions are...

What About Calexit?

My last several posts have discussed the current debate on the phenomenon referred to as "DExit", which refers to Delaware corporations that choose to reincorporate in other states.  In a recent article, Professor Bainbridge remains sanguine about...

Is A Notitia Congregationis Valid In California?

"Only it seems to me that once in your life before you die you ought to see a country where they don't talk in English and don't even want to."*

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