The German Empress And "She"

Anyone drafting a legal document will at some time or another have to deal with the problem that English personal pronouns refer to the perceived biological gender of its referent. Historically, attorneys tended to use male personal pronouns...

More Quorum Mysteries

Six years ago, I kvetched "Why Does Determining A Quorum Have To Be So Complicated?" That particular post concerned the fine points of determining quorums for board meetings. The determination of a quorum for a meeting of shareholders can be equally...

This Flowchart Makes California's Corporate Law Look "Pretty, Pretty Good"!

You can read Delaware's General Corporation Law front to back and back to front and still know very little about Delaware corporate law. The reason is that most of the important rules are not found in statutes but in a myriad of court decisions. The...

When Shares May Be Convertible At Corporation's Option

Section 409 of the California Corporations Code authorizes a corporation to issue shares that are convertible "within the time or upon the happening of one or more specified events and upon the terms and conditions that are stated in the articles"...

When 1% Is Tantamount To 33 1/3%

Section 1800 of the California Corporations Code authorizes the filing of a verified complaint for the involuntary dissolution of a corporation for certain specified causes. As might be expected, the statute does not confer standing on just anyone....

While Creative, This Bill Will Not Be An Effective Way To Enforce Unpaid Wage Claims

Two weeks ago, I wrote about AB 3075 (Limón), a bill that would that would require a "filer" of articles of incorporation to attest under the penalty of perjury that the purpose of the corporation is lawful and that the filer is not an owner,...

Don't Sleep On Your Lost, Destroyed Or Stolen Stock Certificate, Darlin'
What Happens When A Corporation Cannot Afford To Pay Dissenting Shares?

Chapter 13 of the California General Corporation governs so-called "dissenters' rights". In general, Chapter 13 provides that in certain specified transactions, a shareholder can require the corporation to purchase the shareholder's "dissenting...

A Farraginous Stew Of Share Certificate Legend Requirements

Section 418 of the California Corporations Code requires that the following six statements appear "on the certificate", to the extent applicable:

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