Judge Rules Internal Affairs Doctrine Governs California Insider Trading Statute

As I have mentioned on numerous occasions, California has its own insider trading statute - California Corporations Code Section 25402. The statute is included in the California Corporate Securities Law of 1968. In general, the jurisdiction of...

False Statements By Money Managers Support California Commodity Law Convictions

In 1990, California enacted the California Commodity Law, Stats. 1990, Ch. 969, Corp. Code § 29500 et seq.  Although this law hasn't attracted the attention of legal writers, it has some very sharp teeth, as illustrated by the recent case of People...

Why Bassam Salman Should Not Have Been Convicted

A lot of ink has been spilt on the United States Supreme Court's decision in Salman v. United States, 137 S. Ct. 420 (2016). In that case, the Supreme Court upheld the criminal conviction of Mr. Bassam Salman who received lucrative trading tips from...