Like many questions in the law, the answer to the question of whether a member of a California nonprofit corporation may maintain a derivative action is "it depends".
Section 800 of the California Corporations Code applies to actions brought in the name of any domestic or foreign corporation, aka derivative actions. It is similar, but not the same as, Delaware Court of Chancery Rule 23.1 and Federal Rule of Civil...
Over the years, I have commented on the fact that the California Court of Appeal has yet to apply In re Caremark International Inc., 698 A.2d 959 (Del. Ch. 1996) to the directors of a California corporation. See Still No California Caremark? and ...
I a short order of affirmance issued last week, the Nevada Supreme Court affirmed a basic requirement of derivative litigation. J. McDonald Co. v. Tropical & Losee, LLC, 2022 WL 6833521 (Nev. Oct. 11, 2022). The case involved an attempt by J....
Last year, the Delaware Supreme Court adopted a tripartite test for assessing demand futility allegations in derivative actions. United Food & Commercial Workers Union v. Zuckerberg262A.3d1034 (Del.2021). Under this test, courts are to...
I was perplexed by Judge Cindee F. Mayfield's repeated references to "derivate claims" in a recent unpublished opinion - JBB Investment Partners v. Fair, Cal. Ct. of Appeal Case No. No. A160098 (June 9, 2022). Was this a typographical error or was...
In January 2018, the media began reporting on two security vulnerabilities affecting Intel Corporation's microprocessors - dubbed "Spectre" and "Meltdown". Following these disclosures, Intel's stock price fell and its market capitalization declined...