In preceding posts, I commented on the multifarious definitions of "person" in the Securities Act of 1933, the Exchange Act of 1934 and various laws within the California Corporations Code. As noted, the Corporations Code's definition of "person" is...
This California Court Held That A Limited Partnership Is No Person
Posted on September 12, 2017
Multifarious Meanings of "Person"
Posted on September 11, 2017
Last Friday, I observed that the definitions of "person" found in the Securities Act and the Securities Exchange Act are oddly incongruous. The California Corporations Code is similarly inharmonious. Section 18 of the Code, which applies to the...
Are Limited Liability Companies "Persons"?
Posted on September 08, 2017
Limited liability companies did not exist when Congress enacted the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Therefore, it should be no surprise that as originally enacted these acts did not mention LLCs. Congress has since...