Despite being home to the Silicon Valley, California has not embraced with abandon virtual-only meetings of shareholders. Section 600(e) of the Corporations Code currently does not permit virtual only meetings unless one of several conditions are...
Like many questions in the law, the answer to the question of whether a member of a California nonprofit corporation may maintain a derivative action is "it depends".
Section 705(a) of the California Corporations Code provides that no proxy is valid after the expiration of 11 months from the date thereof unless otherwise provided in the proxy. This is a reflection of the fact that proxies are typically obtained...
The California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law contemplates three different methods for members to take action: at a meeting, by ballot, and by unanimous written consent. Cal. Corp. Code §§ 7512(a), 7513 & 7516. Although the California...
Under the California General Corporation Law, a board of directors can take action in two different ways - at a meeting or by unanimous written consent. See Cal. Corp. Code § 307. Over a decade ago, I posed the question of whether a director could...
Section 709 of the California Corporations Code provides a mechanism for "any shareholder" or "any person who claims to have been denied the right to vote" to obtain a determination by the Superior Court of the validity of any election or...
A recent holding by the Second District Court of Appeal is a cautionary tale for directors who fail to acquiesce to a director's removal from the board. Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs v. Macias, 63 Cal. App. 5th 1007 (2021). The case...
As a child, I was always puzzled when I saw a Grange Hall. Was Grange a misspelling of "range"? If not, what was a "grange"? Only later did I learn that "grange" was derived from the Latin word, granum, meaning a seed. The word forms part of the...