Does This Ruling By V.C. Laster Decide The Constitutionality Of California's Female Board Quota Legislation?

Michael Corleone's greatest fear was that he would never be able to escape his life as a mafioso ("Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"). California's greatest fear is that it will not be able to dictate corporate governance...

Internal Affairs Doctrine Blocks Indemnity Claim

Section 78.7502 of Nevada Revised Statutes broadly authorizes, but does not require, a corporation to indemnify its directors, officers, employees or agents. NRS 78.751 requires the corporation to indemnify directors, officers, employees or agents...

Was 2018 The Apogee Of Delaware's Corporate Hegemony?

Professor Mohsen Manesh cites two developments in 2018 as a possible turning point for the internal affairs doctrine: California's enactment of a board gender quota law and Vice Chancellor Laster's ruling in Sciabacucchi v. Salzberg, C.A. 2017-0931...

Court Of Appeal Finds No Right To Jury In Shareholder Class Action

In several blog posts, I have commented on the right to a jury trial under California law. This may seem like an inapposite subject for a blog devoted to corporate and securities law issues. Nonetheless, I have prognosticated that the right to a...

Judge Rules Internal Affairs Doctrine Governs California Insider Trading Statute

As I have mentioned on numerous occasions, California has its own insider trading statute - California Corporations Code Section 25402. The statute is included in the California Corporate Securities Law of 1968. In general, the jurisdiction of...

Can Pseudo-Foreign Corporations Exonerate Their Directors?

Corporations Code Section 2115 is not an easy read.  Fortunately, California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye has provided a more digestible overview of the statute:

Officers Of Foreign Corporations And The California Courts

Yesterday's post concerned Section 2116 of the California Corporations Code.  Courts sometimes describe Section 2116 as codifying the internal affairs doctrine.  See, e.g., Vaughn v. LJ Internat., Inc., 174 Cal. App. 4th 213, 223 (2009) and Voss v....

Nevada Legislature Mulls Codification Of The Internal Affairs Doctrine

Delaware and Nevada are each in the business of marketing their corporate laws to businesses in other states. Thus, it should surprise no one that these states don't appreciate it when their legal offerings are undermined by other states. One way to...

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